Certified Thermography Technician
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Licensed Massage Therapist
Licensed Esthetician
Licensed Florida Spa
Breast Thermography

What does Thermography have to offer?
Some of the earliest signs that a breast cancer may be forming.
Angiogenesis, or new blood vessel formation, is necessary to sustain the growth of a tumor. Breast thermography may be the first signal that such a possibility is developing.
Individualized breast cancer risk assessment.
Women with a family history are definitely at greater risk, but 75% of women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease. If discovered, certain thermographic risk markers may warn a woman that she needs to work closely with her doctor to improve her breast health. Monitoring with regular check-ups and thermography will look for improvements with time or possibly the earliest signs that a problem may exist.
A possible role in breast cancer prevention.
Since the single greatest risk factor for the development of breast cancer is lifetime exposure to estrogen, normalizing the balance of the hormones in the breast may be an important step in prevention. Certain thermographic signs may suggest the effects of hormones in the breasts. This may be the first marker that alerts your doctor to this po9ssibility. Your doctor will first need to run further tests to confirm this. If these tests are positive, your doctor may use these tests to monitor your care.
Imaging for younger women.
Do you know that approximately 15% of all breast cancers occur in women under 45? This is the most common cancer in women in this age group. Breast cancers in younger women are usually more aggressive and have poorer survival rates. Breast thermography offers younger women a valuable imaging tool that they can add to their regular breast health check-ups beginning with baseline imaging at age 20.